09 Apr First operational flight of VEGCAM-Pro camera on Montseny
Posted at 11:53h
in News
On April, 9th the first flight of VEGCAM-Pro camera was perfomed onboard the UAV Atmos-4. VEGCAM-Pro is a multiespectral camera designed for the ATMOS-4 UAV to analyze natural and agricultural vegetation. It works in three wide spectral bands centred in 550, 650 and 780 nm with approximately 50, 75 and 50 nm FWHM.
This flight has been performed on the Parc Natural del Montseny because CATUAV flied previously in the same area with the VEGCAM-1 prototype for the Institut de Ciencies de la Terra- Jaume Almera and the Diputació de Barcelona. These institutions work usually in this area with aerial and satellite imagery. Therefore, an independent and qualified validation will be available to certify the camera performances.